Google Product Listing Ads

    Internet marketing remains a source for placing ads in different forms and on different platforms. Product listing ad is one of the advertising platform offered by Google. It is also considered as Pay per Click type of ad, featured with product name, image, price, company name etc. and is framed for E-commerce websites only. The most effective part of this kind of advertisement is that they appear close to consumer’s attention than other forms of paid advertisements. Product listing ads is one among the AdWords features that allows commercials to appear at the top and does not require internet visitors to scroll down to find your ad. Through this method your commercials would remain within the eye sight of the visitor and make compelling effects for viewers to visit your website and raising probability of conversions.

    How does Product Listing Ads work?

    Since product listing is featured part of AdWords, the user has to have Google AdWords account as well as Google Merchant Centre Account. Whereas, Google Merchant Centre remains the key route to upload details about your products or services by submitting data feed. The data feed helps your products to appear on Google Shopping. Your products will be displayed in Google, whenever there is a search query placed related to the same type of product for which the visitor is looking for.

    Who can benefit from this service?

    • This is most beneficial for Ecommerce Website product promotion.
    • By using this feature the advertisements can be placed in most appealing manner to get the right audience and fast execution, if configured competitive in terms of pricing and features.
    • Through this option, website can be visible to targeted audience.

    How Google helps through PLAs?

    By adding this service in your promotion portfolio, your products can be placed in top of the Google search results, search partner websites and on Google Shopping. The commercials that are posted will not appear in the conventional way, but the seller gets the unique way to explore his product through featuring the advertisements with the product name, product image, product price and company name. Google supports PLA in several ways and some of them are,

    • Google helps in placing these details on the search page with the matching keywords/phrases used in the ad content (feed title, description etc.). For example, if a buyer looking online for kitchen utensils and the seller also sells the same kind of products, the product listing ads will be appeared at the top of the browsing results page along with list of product titles, price, promotional details, etc.
    • This will encourage the viewers to click on your product. In addition, this technique is an easy means of promoting multiple products at a time instead of creating specific promotion for each product.
    • Data feed is more important for Google to accept your PLAs and the success depends on how efficiently you present your product attributes so that the ads become likely to appear in search results.

    Product Purchase through Product Listing Service

    PLAs provide excellent appealing and convenient way for the viewers to find variety of products that comes under their choice of preference. This service will help the business in terms of adding all the variations required for a product to help the viewers to find the best purchase option, they have been searching for compare to Google AdWords.

    Benefits of PLAs for Business

    • You can easily drive more sales opportunities.
    • Leads your ads to top in Google’s search results’ page than your competitors’.
    • It is cheaper than other paid advertising options.
    • Obtains good conversion rates.
    • Increase Site Traffic - It helps to obtain considerable traffic to your website along with higher click through rates.
    • Ads Campaign Management – It is easy to create the product group on the specific products which we wish to promote online through product inventory feed.
    • Organized Reporting - You will be able to check the product performance through filtering products view and clicks.

    Choosing for Product Listing Ads Service offers this service at affordable cost and helps you in multiple ways to benefit from your business. To start with, we begin setting Google data feed, merchant centre dashboard and then with ads campaign in AdWords account. We focus on business promotional requirement while creating advertisements. Our creation includes product description, selection of language for description in accordance with the target audience and region. In addition, while preparing commercials for region specific campaigns, we help you to quote country specific product prices. Our methodologies are as per Google Shopping Policies and this experience helps us to take your business to next levels in short time. Finding a professional service is always a better option for businesses and is there for business owners to find reliable outputs through our services.